It is fantastic to see the girls developing their leadership skills and sharing their knowledge. The department would also like to thank all the girls for their hard work on Open Morning where we had a lot of participation from prospective students, with help and encouragement from the scholars.
The girls in Years 8 and 9 have also had the opportunity to play some more netball, with interhouse competitions taking place after school on the school courts.
Hockey tournaments
U16 District Hockey Tournament - The U16 Hockey team competed in the U16A District Hockey Prelims on 30 September at Wilberforce Road. The team needed to win their group consisting of Soham, Bassingbourn and Chesterton in order to progress to the finals. The team started off strongly, winning against both Bassingbourn and Chesterton, 5-0 and 4-0 respectively.
The final game saw a tough battle commence between St Mary’s and Soham. Their hard work was rewarded with a well-deserved 1-0 win, meaning progression to the finals.
The U15 Hockey team competed in the U16B District Prelims on 2 October at Wilberforce Road. The day consisted of three 20-minute games against St Bede’s, Soham and Impington. The first match was against Impington, and the girls got off to an impressive start. Excellent hockey was displayed as they worked together as a team to achieve their first win of the day of 4-0. The girls then faced St Bede’s, and won the game 1-0. The final match of the day was against Soham, and the girls finishing with a well-deserved 3-0 win.
U16 District Hockey Finals - On 7 October, the U15 and U16 hockey teams took part in the district hockey finals tournament, after both winning their qualifying rounds in the U16A and B preliminaries respectively. The U16s bagged themselves a 2-1 win in their first match against Sawston. The second match saw the U15s and U16s face each other.
The U15s worked tirelessly and did not let their heads drop, continuing to pressure the U16 team. The game ended 2-0 to the U16s. The final match for the U15s was against Sawston. They finished the day with a well-deserved 3-0 win. The final match for the U16s against St Bede’s would decide the winners of the tournament. The game was extremely intense, but the girls fought hard until the final whistle. The game ended with a 2-2 draw and since the teams' goal differences were the same, it was decided that they would be crowned joint district champions! Huge congratulations to both teams for putting in such a great effort and to the U16s for being joint district champions.
Year 8 District Hockey Tournament - The Year 8 A and B hockey teams travelled to Bottisham Village College on 29 October to take part in the Year 8 District Hockey Tournament. The B team played Netherhall which was a highly contested match and ended in a 1-1 draw. The next match against Swavesey saw the girls play some of their best hockey of the day, as they worked well as a team and were rewarded with a 1-0 win.
The A team’s first match of the day was against Coleridge, and they got off to a fantastic start with a 1-0 win. The team finished the day strongly with two wins of 1-0 and 3-0 against St Bede’s B and NCA respectively, meaning that they finished third in their pool. A big thank you to Ella B. (Year 9), Tamzin D.-R. (Year 9) and Connie P. (Year 9) who came along for the day to help Miss Rhynehart organise the tournament.
Year 7 District Hockey Tournament - On 7 November, the Year 7 B and C Hockey teams took part in the Year 7 District Hockey Tournament. They played against other schools’ A and B teams respectively, so had a tough day ahead of them. The B team drew their match against Cambourne 1-1 and won 1-0 against Sawston.
Their final two matches against Swavesey and Melbourn both resulted in 0-0 draws. The C team drew 1-1 against CAP.
Netball Tournaments

U14 - Lucia C. (Year 9), Connie P. (Year 9), Tamzin D.-R. (Year 9), Maisy V. (Year 9), Sarah H. (Year 8), Honor C. (Year 8), Mariella R. (Year 8), Grace G. (Year 8) and Ariana F. (Year 8)
U16 - Poppy E. (Year 11), Amy H. (Year 11), Olivia B. (Year 11), Lara B. (Year 11), Rosie C. (Year 10), Maria S. (Year 10), Emily H. (Year 10) and Imogen H.-H. (Year 10)
Independent Schools Netball Tournament - The U14 and U16 netball teams qualified for the County Netball Tournament, having already played in a qualifying tournament where they were able to develop their teamwork and tactics.
U14 and U16 County Netball Tournament - On 9 November the U14 and U16 County Netball Tournaments took place. Both teams had qualified to play in this tournament from the Independent Schools Netball Tournament which was held earlier in the term. Both teams played extremely well throughout the day, working together, demonstrating excellent teamwork. Both teams won 3 of their games and had some other matches that were very closely fought. We are very proud of the overall performance from both the U14 and the U16 teams that represented the school this year.
U13 Girls Football Grand Prix - On 19 November girls in Years 7 and 8 participated in the U13 Girls Football Grand Prix held at Swavesey Village Collage. It was a 7-a-side fun tournament, with the aim of getting as any girls playing football as possible. The initiative was embraced by our girls, with St Mary’s being one of only two schools to enter three teams.
The A team won 4 matches, lost one in a tight contest and had one draw. The B team and C team both played well and enjoyed the experience. A standout for St Marys was the A team captain Uma C. (Year 8), who scored an impressive five goals for the tournament. Well done to all those who participated.
District Cross-Country - On 3 December, several girls from Years 7 to 11 took part in the District Cross Country Championships, held at Netherhall School. Despite the freezing cold weather, the girls thoroughly enjoyed themselves and displayed some excellent performances throughout the day.
In the intermediate girl’s race (Years 10/11), 3 girls qualified for the next round, with Amelie S. (Year 10) finishing in 5th, Kilda M. (Year 11) in 11th and Martha. F (Yr10) in 14th. Zoe. B (Yr7) and Matilda M. (Year 9) also gave great performances in their age group races, with both finishing 14th which meant qualification for the next round. Overall the Intermediate girls came 3rd as a team and the Senior girls came 2nd. All the girls that took part should be congratulated on their performances. The next round was the County Cross Country Championships, held in January.
GSA Swimming Gala - On 5 December, both the Years 7/8 and Years 9/10 swimming teams competed in the GSA Swimming Gala, which was held at Stamford school. Other schools that took part in the gala were Bedford Girls’, Stamford High, King’s High and Derby High. On the day there were some excellent team and individual performances.
The U15s won the A team medley relay, which included Matilda R. (Year 9), Leonie A. (Year 9), Amelie S. (Year 10) and Sophie H. (Year 10). They also came joint 1st overall for the gala with Bedford Girls’. The individual stand-outs of the day were Amelie S. (Year 10) who won the 50m back stroke and Matilda R. (Year 9) who won the 50m butterfly. Scarlett J. (Year 7) finished a close 2nd in the U13A 25m breaststroke event. Well done to all swimmers on the day.
On 11 February the St Mary’s 2020 Gymnastics display was held. The display was a huge success, with 59 Senior School and 23 Junior School girls performing. The girls had been practising hard for months during gymnastics club and all their hard work paid off, with some exceptional performances.
There were 20 performances in total, including a mix of solo, pair and larger group routines. It was particularly pleasing to see girls from different year groups performing together and engaging in peer on peer learning. The final routine was a Year 11 group performance, which capped off an exceptional evening and ended the night with a bang.
Gymnastics Awards
The St Mary’s Gymnastics Salver was a new award this year to congratulate and celebrate excellence and dedication to gymnastics in Year 10. It was awarded to Maya B., who is an outstanding gymnastic and well-deserved winner.
The Frances Hawken Gymnastics Salver has a long-running tradition at St Mary’s, and is awarded to a Year 11 gymnast. The award went to Eve H., who has performed in each gym display since Year 7 and performed an excellent individual piece.
Gymnastics colours were also awarded with the following students receiving them:
Lower School - Half Colours
- Elizabeth R.
- Amelia McA.
- Ruby V.
- Sarah W.
Upper School - Half Colours
- Erin McA.
- Poppy E.
- Jessica C.
- Laura C.
- Ruby P.
- Jessica F.
- Brooke L.
Lower School - Full Colours
- Jasmine H.
- Sarah H.
- Honor C.
- Abby H.
Upper School - Full Colours
- Emily H.
- Maya B.
- Georgia G
- Poppy-Rae M.
- Eve H.