
Year 7 Geography students' Epping field trip

Year 7 Geography students' Epping field trip

Year 7 Geography students journeyed to Epping Forest on Monday 16 May for a day of Geography field work. The purpose of the trip was to examine how Debden Brook changes downstream by investigating the three rock layers the brook flows over and erodes: bagshot sands, pebble beds and claygate clay. The girls also carried out a survey to collect data on the river’s velocity, volume and channel shapes, as well as sampling and measuring the pebbles on the river bed for size and roundness. Despite their best efforts and being kitted out in wellies, some of the girls were unable to avoid getting wet feet in the process of collecting their data but, luckily, the sun came out and they were able to dry out!

The girls had a great day and are now busily drawing up channel profiles, tidying up their field sketches and collating their measurements into a series of bar charts and cross profiles in their Geography lessons.

Click here to see more photos from the trip.